Announcing nuqs version 2

Built-in parsers

When using strings is not enough

Search params are strings by default, but chances are your state is more complex than that.

You might want to use numbers, booleans, Dates, objects, arrays, or even custom types. This is where parsers come in.

nuqs provides built-in parsers for the most common types, and allows you to define your own.


import { parseAsString } from 'nuqs'
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Type-safety tip

parseAsString is a noop: it does not perform any validation when parsing, and will accept any value.

If you’re expecting a certain set of string values, like 'foo' | 'bar', see Literals for ensuring type-runtime safety.

If search params are strings by default, what’s the point of this “parser” ?

It becomes useful if you’re declaring a search params object, and/or you want to use the builder pattern to specify default values and options:

export const searchParamsParsers = {
  q: parseAsString.withDefault('').withOptions({
    shallow: false



Transforms the search param string into an integer with parseInt (base 10).

import { parseAsInteger } from 'nuqs'
useQueryState('int', parseAsInteger.withDefault(0))
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Floating point

Same as integer, but uses parseFloat under the hood.

import { parseAsFloat } from 'nuqs'
useQueryState('float', parseAsFloat.withDefault(0))
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Encodes integers in hexadecimal.

import { parseAsHex } from 'nuqs'
useQueryState('hex', parseAsHex.withDefault(0x00))
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Going further

Check out the Hex Colors playground for a demo.


import { parseAsBoolean } from 'nuqs'
useQueryState('bool', parseAsBoolean.withDefault(false))
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These parsers extend the basic integer and float parsers, but test against some expected valid values, defined as TypeScript literals.


Don’t forget the as const when declaring your expected values.

String literals

import { parseAsStringLiteral } from 'nuqs'
// List accepted values
const sortOrder = ['asc', 'desc'] as const
// Then pass it to the parser
// Optional: extract the type from them
type SortOrder = (typeof sortOrder)[number]; // 'asc' | 'desc'
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Numeric literals

import { parseAsNumberLiteral } from 'nuqs'
// List accepted values
const diceSides = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] as const
// Then pass it to the parser


String enums are a bit more verbose than string literals, but nuqs supports them.

enum Direction {
  up = 'UP',
  down = 'DOWN',
  left = 'LEFT',
  right = 'RIGHT'


The query string value will be the value of the enum, not its name (here: ?direction=UP).

Dates & timestamps

There are two parsers that give you a Date object, their difference is on how they encode the value into the query string.

ISO 8601

import { parseAsIsoDateTime } from 'nuqs'


Miliseconds since the Unix epoch.

import { parseAsTimestamp } from 'nuqs'


All of the parsers on this page can be used to parse arrays of their respective types.

import { parseAsArrayOf, parseAsInteger } from 'nuqs'
// Optionally, customise the separator
parseAsArrayOf(parseAsInteger, ';')


If primitive types are not enough, you can encode JSON in the query string.

Pass it a validation function to validate and infer the type of the parsed data, like a Zod schema:

import { parseAsJson } from 'nuqs'
import { z } from 'zod'
const schema = z.object({
  pkg: z.string(),
  version: z.number(),
  worksWith: z.array(z.string())
// This parser is a function, don't forget to call it with the parse function
// as an argument.
const [json, setJson] = useQueryState('json', parseAsJson(schema.parse))
  pkg: "nuqs",
  version: 2,
  worksWith: ["Next.js", "React", "Remix", "React Router", "and more"],

Using other validation libraries is possible, as long as they throw an error when the data is invalid (eg: Valibot, Yup, etc).

Using parsers server-side

You may import parsers from nuqs/server to use them in your server code, as it doesn’t include the 'use client' directive.

import { parseAsString } from 'nuqs/server'


It used to be available under the alias import nuqs/parsers, which will be dropped in the next major version.

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